This was one of the proudest moments of my life where I really felt like I had made it! 😍
Can you remember a turning point moment in your life where you realised just how far you have come?
So why was receiving this “Iconic Leader” award in India so important?
The lady on my right is Harbeen Arora, the Founder of BioAyurveda, one of the worlds biggest cosmetic companies.
The lady on my left is Sue Curr, an amazing International Speaker and the woman that invited me to speak at WEF this year.
They are honouring me as one of only a few males invited to speak and participate at a conference for over 2000 Inspirational Women called the Women’s Economic Forum in Delhi, India 2019.
They are celebrating me as an ambassador for powerful women. As a man that lifts up, empowers and supports women. This is something that I would never have dreamed would happen in my life.
You see the thing that many people don’t know is that I spent a huge part of my life believing that men were superior to women…. that men were more ambitious… more talented… and more capable of succeeding especially in business. 😞
I do not say this proudly. Nor do I judge myself for the beliefs that I held in my unconsciousness. I can see how deeply disrespectful I have been to many women in my life and for that I apologise with all of my heart.
We are all a product of our environment and our education. This is not an excuse for my prior behaviour. It is simply a statement I believe to be true.
I did not know better at the time. Now I do. Now I make better choices as I have done a lot of deep work reprogramming the beliefs that were passed onto me from the media, my school and my environment.
Releasing the things that were keeping me small, that stopped me from connecting with these Powerful Women.
The truth is I used to be intimidated by strong women. In fact I was terrified of them and could hardly hold a conversation with a women in her full power. I felt small and insignificant in their presence and I hated that feeling.
I am so grateful that things shifted the way that they have. That certain women were patient enough to see my potential and
So what changed?
Everything changed for me 4 years ago when I met my now Fiancee Marium Zulfiqar.
She was unlike any woman I had met before… or perhaps I had just never allowed myself to see this aspect of the Divine Feminine before… There was something about her that commanded my respect. I was in awe of her.
I got this feeling that she didn’t need me. That she could drop me at a moments notice if I displeased her.
I felt deep love from her but no dependency.
She was patient, kind and non-judgemental. I told her my deepest darkest secrets and she didn’t flinch. I felt like I could open my heart to her… that is was worth the risk.
The first three days I spent with Mia I cried more than I had cried in the ten years before that.
She took no shit from me. She called me out on my BS. She challenged and provoked me in the most loving way.
She saw the potential of the man I could be and she teased him out of me one tear at a time.
She showed me the error of my ways. The small-mindedness of the beliefs and programming I was holding onto. So I let them go. I let them all go.
After those three days I was able to open my heart to other powerful women too.
Suddenly I was surrounded by empowered women. I was a Goddess Magnet. 😍
Most of my friends were women. Most of my clients became women. I was engulfed by the Divine Feminine in the most beautiful way.
I now know that Marium is part of my Soul Family. That we have played this game before across many lifetimes. Sometimes she is my teacher and sometimes I am hers.
I possibly explain in words how grateful I am to you Mia for sticking with me. For giving me your love and affection when I needed it the most.
A huge part of my mission now is to bridge the gap between the Masculine and the Feminine.
The time for separation is past.
Now is the time for Unity.
Ladies – Please be patient with the men in your life, but do not tolerate any kind of abuse. Do not let them walk over you or treat you like dirt. Command respect. It is your birthright.
If you would like to see the recording of my Awards speech from WEF India 2019 CLICK HERE
I really believe that TOGETHER WE CAN DO ANYTHING.
I’m sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you. ❤